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10 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Welcome to MetalTown!..wait wtf?

Indeed, you surprised me here. Techno, something I did not really suspect from you. And even more shocking, 41 SECONDS!? Seriously lol..oh well.

It is a loop so I can't really call it short. Since this is techno, i'll judge it off of two things. Drums and SFX (All the Misc. noises).

SFX: Whats up with those..bell noises? Or whatever it is. When it comes to noises like that, I can never describe what they are. But yeah, either way it sounds fine to me, and loops perfectly.

Drums: All I can say is, techno is one of those genres that really makes percussion stand out, and a horrible beat can make the whole song die. But my friend, your drumming did not go in vain. I found it dynamic and timed well. So all-in-all you did yourself a good job here. 5/5 9/10. (You lost one point because of the length. Boo-hoo, you still got a 5/5 so suck it up).

cowdog2 responds:

LOL! sorry for the false hopes

I always enjoy reading your reviews, YOu're fucking awesome.


..this was my favourite game in MegaMan, and I searched for literally years to find a remix of it. I googled, searched on ocremix and newgrounds before...nothing. Until YOU came in, and holy hell you made my day. Not only is this I believe the first remix of that specific stage, but it was also KICK-ASS!!

Right on mate, to the review. I clearly remember the tune, so its perfectly aligned with the theme song itself, with a twist of some in-game SFX, electric guitar, and the mad pace of the percussion set.

Honestly, is there anything that can be complained about this song? First serve, Kick-ass, right on beat, amazingly addicting. Now i'm gonna shutup and listen to this song for hours straight, so here's a slap-on-the-face 10/10.

Go celebrate, you just made someone's life crunked up again.

DarKsidE555 responds:

I did when I read this. Man, that was a fine review right there. Made me a little bit proud of myself. ;)

I'm suprised that nobody else created something like this before. I mean, you must have googled and looked around quite a lot, when it's your fav. stage theme music.

I've gladly taken the 10/10 slap! Thats for sure! :)

Thanks a lot of the review!


Amazing!? It doesn't get better then this I think when it comes to Mario Mixes. Really nice job on the quality, and balance of instruments.

Also nice, (Processed obviously), laughter at the beginning. Good Guitar solo at 1:19 (Around there). Well done!! 5/5 10/10

PaulyBFromDa303 responds:

Yeah the laugh was a little edited, but it didnt need too much. My broha Alex pretty much hit it well lol


I presume thats your name..of course I kinda figured Pelo (something) wouldn't have been the real thing anyways.

I also remember this song from somewhere...aw hell who am I kidding its from Chad's Quest which is so obviously stated above (how dumb of me...).

Onto the review, I consider this song more for the softer and/or mysterious type to me...calms you down I guess? It does to me so...this review is based on my opinion anyways, woohoo.

Anyways the music sounds good with the violin, bass, and the light use of percussion. I couldn't imagine insane drumplay with this kind of violin tune. It wouldv'e probably overpowered it blah blah...

The only thing I could say was a bit eerie/wrong was that the ending was a bit too faded out to be consider a loop. This is my perspective on Normal Songs and Looped Songs.

Normal: The song has a beginning and an "end". In other words, it all stops near the end/fades out and feels like its over.

Looped: The song has a beginning and a long road with no ending. You could keep playing this song for days and the tune would still be loud crisp and clear. Its basically like listening to someone making up excuses for say I dunno...being late meeting you somewhere? Feels like it keeps going on doesn't it? Thats how a loop feels.

So after boldly saying that and expecting some dude to show up on my door with a shotgun, this does not change the fact that "YOUR SONG IS AWESOME".

Kay? Class Dismissed - 9/10

Pelemus-McSoy responds:

No, my name's not Chad. Chad is one of my characters. My real name, however, will be kept secret! ;)

Did I register it as a loop? I don't think I did...maybe the player automatically sets it to play as a loop.

Glad you like it!



Oh right...that was from Chad's Quest!
Yeah I didn't notice the music until "after" I completed the game (which pretty much made me beat myself up).

Anyways, this song is awesome if you just need to listen onto something non-stop..for any situation. The loop is perfectly in time, no annoying sounds, good replay value, and I fuggin like it.

Lets see what we used here...we got some keyboard playing, percussion, and of course SFX. The piano I can tell is the main instrument, while the drums give it the backbone it needs. Hell who doesnt wanna hear percussion with a 5.1 surround sound system with 400 watts of booming shit? Certainly not me.

Overall, I love the song, the tune is balanced and nothing seems to overlap. 10/10

Pelemus-McSoy responds:

Hooray! Glad that it's nicely balanced! That's what I aim for most! Thanks!


Best of the 4

While I went on a frenzy on reviewing all your songs at once...I felt like as if you read my mind and added some enchanced quality. Or youre just smart at these things :P

The song was I have to say pretty good. Except though thats...arabian lmao. Mexican is like...the mexican hat dance? Using trumpets and shit. But that's besides the point...towards this situation anyways.

So like I was saying, I like the overall tune, could be used in some kind of desert flash, or if youre just an arabian freak you can download this.

What I like about your songs is that its something fresh...you could say. Well I mean sure others make arabian songs but...how many time have you saw new audios with only distorted guitars that permenantly damage my subwoofers (did I say perm. right?). Or just a bunch of trance/techno shit that feels too repetitive.

Anyways good song, nice style, doesn't annoy me, grande spanking 10/10

Pelemus-McSoy responds:

I actually added this as my second song ever! XD

I know, people have been bashing me about the whole not being Mexican thing...but what can ya do?

Glad it's unique and good enough for a 10!



This song I have to say is better then your Mochambo. Though the quality still fails to achieve higher standards, the overall theme and style of it just seems better to me lol.

If it wasn't for the quality, I would be giving you a 10/10, but I have to give you an 8, sorry :P

Pelemus-McSoy responds:

I dunno what happened when this one was exported...ah well, still a good beat.

I just wish Scar had thought it was badass enough...

At least you're honest about your scores. Thanks.



-sniff- DUDE OMFG, you just made me think of my girlfriend Mango (Thats her nickname, her names Kylie if you just need a reference of some sort.) Shes on a 3 week vacation and...damnit NOW I"M DEPRESSED YOU B-....ok i'm good..i'm calm.

That wasn't a joke btw..lol. Anyways, thats a pretty good song, gives a romantic atmosphere that just gaurantees to make you think of your loved ones (hell it worked for me.)

Overall - 10/10 Because you made me think of Mango :D (And because thats an amazing song)

Winterwind-NS responds:

Thanks my friend
goodluck wit mango :]


I'mma make this plain and clear. What I absolutely LOVE about this loop is that I can feel a call for some type of battle music of some sort of game...don't you? The only thing that stands out to me is that the double bass, (that IS double bass right? see I cant even tell the difference), has a lack of...bass. Kind of ironic. Then again i'm a double bass freak and i just love to have things my way...damn my selfishness.

IN CONCLUSION, nice job lol 8/10 because i still think it lacks the bass that it calls for.

MeatSlurry responds:

thanks, i made a better bass version check it out on my page! awesome!


This kind of trance makes my spine turn cold and shiver with bliss. That means its really good lol. What kind of Software did you use to make this btw? I currently use ACID Pro 6 (Good stuff from Sony.)

DavidKracht responds:

Thanks, i use FL Studio. Now, why did you give a 0/10 review score?

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