Welcome to MetalTown!..wait wtf?
Indeed, you surprised me here. Techno, something I did not really suspect from you. And even more shocking, 41 SECONDS!? Seriously lol..oh well.
It is a loop so I can't really call it short. Since this is techno, i'll judge it off of two things. Drums and SFX (All the Misc. noises).
SFX: Whats up with those..bell noises? Or whatever it is. When it comes to noises like that, I can never describe what they are. But yeah, either way it sounds fine to me, and loops perfectly.
Drums: All I can say is, techno is one of those genres that really makes percussion stand out, and a horrible beat can make the whole song die. But my friend, your drumming did not go in vain. I found it dynamic and timed well. So all-in-all you did yourself a good job here. 5/5 9/10. (You lost one point because of the length. Boo-hoo, you still got a 5/5 so suck it up).